CoCoA:User Interface Guide Menus (4.4)
From ApCoCoAWiki
The Menu File:
- New: Creates a new CoCoA Document.
- Open: Opens an existing CoCoA document.
- Close: Closes an open CoCoA document. If there are unsaved changes, the user will be prompted to save the document.
- Save: Saves an open CoCoA document. If the document has been created from scratch and is thus untitled, the user will be prompted for a filename. If the docment is not untitled (and has thus been saved at least once before or has been loaded from a file) the old filename will be used.
- Save As: Saves an open CoCoA document. Here the user will be prompted for a filename independent of whether the document has been created from scratch or not.
- Print: Prints the contents of the output window.
- Quit: Terminates the engine and quits CoCoA. The user will be prompted to save any CoCoA documents containing unsaved changes.
The Menu Edit:
- Undo: Undo the last text operation.
- Redo: Redo the last text operation that has been undone.
- Cut: Cut selected text.
- Copy: Copy selected text.
- Paste: Paste text from the clipboard.
- Select All: Select the complete text of the current CoCoA Document. If the focus is in the output window, the text of the output window is selected.
The Menu CoCoA:
- Previous interactive Page: If you are in the Interactive Document, the contents of the previous interactive page (if one is available) are loaded into the editor.
- Next interactive Page: If you are in the Interactive Document, the contents of the next interactive page (if one is available) are loaded into the editor.
- Execute current command set: Execute the current command set. If text is marked, only the selected commands will be executed. Otherwise, all commands in the current CoCoA document will be executed.
- Interrupt current computation: Interrupt the current computation.
- Clear output window: Clear the output window.
The Menu Settings:
- Output on Top: Puts the output window above the input window.
- Output on Bottom: Puts the output window below the input window.
- No Wordwrap: Sets the word wrapping mode to "None". This means, that text will be wrapped at the maximum pixel width for a text widget.
- Fixed Wordwrap: Sets the word wrapping mode to "Fixed". This means, that text will be wrapped at character column #100.
- Normal Wordwrap: Sets the word wrapping mode to "Normal". This means, that text will be wrapped at the window border.
- Autocompleting: Activates/Deactivates autocompletion mode. The current status is shown in the status bar (AC).
- Select Font: Select the font for both input and output window.
- Word completions: Configures the word completions mode.
The Menu Help:
- Contents: Opens the help window.
- What's this: Shows context help for GUI elements.
- About KCoCoA/WinCoCoA/XCoCoA: Shows the about box.
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