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vector space basis for zero-dimensional quotient rings
This function determines a vector space basis (of power products)
for the quotient space associated to a zero-dimensional ideal.
That is, if R is a polynomial ring with field of coefficients k, and I is a zero-dimensional ideal in R then QuotientBasis(I) is a set of power products forming a k-vector space basis of R/I.
The actual set of power products chosen depends on the term ordering
in the ring R: the power products chosen are those not divisible by
the leading term of any member of the reduced Groebner basis of I.
Points := [[Rand(-9,9) | N In 1..3] | S In 1..25]; Use Q[x,y,z]; I := IdealOfPoints(Points); QuotientBasis(I); -- power products underneath the DegRevLex reduced GBasis [1, z, z^2, z^3, z^4, y, yz, yz^2, yz^3, y^2, y^2z, y^2z^2, y^3, x, xz, xz^2, xz^3, xy, xyz, xyz^2, xy^2, x^2, x^2z, x^2y, x^3] ------------------------------- Use Q[x,y,z],Lex; I := IdealOfPoints(Points); QuotientBasis(I); -- power products underneath the Lex reduced GBasis [1, z, z^2, z^3, z^4, z^5, z^6, z^7, z^8, z^9, z^10, z^11, z^12, z^13, y, yz, yz^2, yz^3, yz^4, yz^5, yz^6, y^2, y^2z, y^2z^2, y^2z^3] -------------------------------