From ApCoCoAWiki
convert an expression into an ideal
The first form returns the ideal generated by P_1,...P_n. The second
form returns the ideal generated by the polynomials in L. The third
form returns the ideal generated by the polynomials in M; it is the same as Cast(M,IDEAL), and requires that the module be a submodule of the free module of rank 1.
Use R ::= Q[x,y,z]; I := Ideal(x-y^2,xy-z); I; Ideal(-y^2 + x, xy - z) ------------------------------- L := [xy-z,x-y^2]; J := Ideal(L); I = J; TRUE ------------------------------- M := Module([y^3-z],[x-y^2]); Ideal(M) = I; TRUE -------------------------------
Ideal(P_1:POLY,...,P_n:POLY):IDEAL Ideal(L:LIST):IDEAL Ideal(M:MODULE):IDEAL where L is a list of polynomials and M is contained in a free module of rank 1.
<type>cast</type> <type>ideal</type>