From ApCoCoAWiki
display the syntax of a command
The first form of the command, with no arguments, just prints this
message. The second form looks for a command with associated keywords
containing S as a substring. If S is exactly the keyword of a command or if S is the substring of a keyword of only one command, then the syntax for that command is displayed. (The command H.Browse can then be called to display additional information.) Otherwise, H.Syntax(S) lists the names all commands with associated keywords containing S as a substring. Note: the search is case insensitive.
H.Syntax(<quotes>dense</quotes>); DensePoly(N:INT):POLY Description: the sum of all power-products of a given degree --> <quotes>H.Browse();</quotes> for more information. <-- -------------------------------
H.Syntax():NULL H.Syntax(S:STRING):NULL
<type>help</type> <type>online-help</type>