define a function
1. INTRODUCTION. This command adds the user-defined function F to the
library. The function F can be called in the following way:
</verbatim> where the E_i's are expressions. The result of the evaluation of each expression E_i is assigned to the respective formal parameter X_i, and the command sequence C is executed. If, during the execution of C, a statement Return E is executed, then the result of the evaluation of E is the return-value of the function F. If no Return command is executed, or Return is executed without argument, then the return-value is Null.
Define Square(X) Return X^2; EndDefine; Square(5); 25 -------------------------------
2. SCOPE. Every variable defined or modified by the command sequence C is considered local to the function unless the variable is global or relative to a Var parameter. For the use of global variables, see Global Memory or the example below. See Var to learn about calling a function by reference, i.e. so that the function can change the value of an existing variable.
Define Example_1(L) L := L + 5; Return L; EndDefine; L := 0; Example_1(L); 5 ------------------------------- L; -- L is unchanged despite the function call. 0 ------------------------------- Define Example_2(L) -- Example using a global variable. MEMORY.X := L + 3; EndDefine; Example_2(10); MEMORY.X; 13 -------------------------------
3. VARIABLE NUMBER OF PARAMETERS. It is also possible to have a variable number of parameters using the syntax <verbatim>
Define F(...) Help S:STRING; C EndDefine;
</verbatim> In this case the special variable ARGV will contain the list of the arguments passed to the function. (The statement, Help S; is optional.)
Define Sum(...) If Len(ARGV) = 0 Then Return Null; -- empty sum Else Sum := 0; Foreach N In ARGV Do Sum := Sum+N EndForeach; EndIf; Return Sum; EndDefine; Sum(1,2,3,4,5); 15 ------------------------------- Sum(); Null -------------------------------
4. SHORTCUT. The form F(X_1,...,X_n) := E is discouraged and may be discontinued in later versions of CoCoA. If is shorthand for Define F(X_1,...X_n) Return E EndDefine;.
F(X) := X^2; F(5); 25 -------------------------------
5. HELP. Inside a user-defined function, one may add the command: <verbatim>
Help S;
</verbatim> where S is a string. Then, when a user enters Help("F") where F is the identifier for the function, the string, S, is printed.
Define Test(N) Help <quotes>Usage: Test(N:INT):INT</quotes>; Return N; EndDefine; Help <quotes>Test</quotes>; Usage: Test(N:INT):INT -------------------------------
6. DEFINING RINGS INSIDE FUNCTIONS. For information on this topic, please see the section of the tutorial entitled, [[Rings Inside User-Defined Functions]]
Define F(X_1,...,X_n) Help S:STRING; C EndDefine F(X_1,...,X_n) := E -- obsolescent! Define F(...) Help S:STRING; C EndDefine where F is an identifier, C is a sequence of commands, the X_i's are formal parameters and E is an expression. The third form, which literally includes the string <tt>...</tt> is used for a variable number of parameters. The optional <tt>Help S</tt>, where S is a string, may be added to provide help for the user.
An Overview of CoCoA Programming
Introduction to User-Defined Functions
Rings Inside User-Defined Functions
<type>function</type> <type>programming</type>