From ApCoCoAWiki
conditional expression
If <formula>B_n</formula> is the first in the sequence of <formula>B_i</formula>'s to evaluate to TRUE,
then <formula>E_n</formula> is returned. If none of the <formula>B_i</formula>'s evaluates to TRUE, then
Null is returned. The construct, Elsif B Then E can be repeated any number of times. Note: be careful not to type Elseif by mistake (it has an extraneous e).
The difference between Cond and If is that Cond is an expression
which may be assigned to a variable; each of the <formula>E_i</formula>'s is an
expression, not a general sequence of commands (as their analogues in If might be).
Define Sign(A) Return Cond A>0 Then 1 Elsif A=0 Then 0 Else -1 EndCond; EndDefine; Sign(3); 1 ------------------------------- Define PrintSign(A) Return Cond(A>0,<quotes>positive</quotes>,A=0,<quotes>zero</quotes>,<quotes>negative</quotes>); EndDefine; PrintSign(3); positive -------------------------------
Cond B_1 Then E_1 EndCond Cond B_1 Then E_1 Elsif B_2 Then E_2 Elsif ... EndCond Cond B_1 Then E_1 Elsif B_2 Then E_2 Elsif ... Else E_r EndCond Cond(B_1,E_1,B_2,E_2,...,E_r) where the B_i's are boolean expressions and the <formula>E_i</formula>'s are expressions.
<type>programming</type> <type>branching</type>