Category talk:CoCoALib

From ApCoCoAWiki
  • What kind of versioning is planned for the lib?
    • which versions of the lib will correspond to cocoa 5?
    • do we start with the lib in Version 5 or 1?
    • will the libs and cocoa's versions be linked or not?

dheldt 08:53, 30 Jun 2005 (CEST)

The first official release of the library will be 1.

CoCoA 5 is the name of the project as a whole and also the name of the first standalone system which will be based entirely on CoCoALib.

Bigatti 14:54, 30 Jun 2005 (CEST)


what do you want to do, as soon as you start to publish cocoa 6? what will be then the name of the library? still simply cocoalib?

dheldt 15:41, 30 Jun 2005 (CEST)

There are no plans for CoCoA 6 yet. From what I gather the idea is to build a new client called CoCoA 5 that uses the CoCoALib 1.0 or something that is current at that time. That's at least what the GUI_TNG thing was supposed to be.

Mabshoff 16:10, 30 Jun 2005 (CEST)