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This article is about a function from ApCoCoA-1. If you are looking for the ApCoCoA-2 version of it, see Package sagbi/SB.FindLTRepr.


Computes a representation of a term in other terms if it exists.


SB.TermRepr(Term:POLY,TermList:LIST of POLY):LIST of INT
SB.TermRepr(Term:POLY,TermList:LIST of POLY,ReprType:INT):LIST of INT


This functions tries to compute a term representation of the given term Term in terms of the list TermList. If it is not possible to get such a representation NULL will be returned. If a representation exists a list of integers will be returned which gives the exponents of the power product of the term in the other terms, e.g. for the term Term=x^2y and the list of terms TermList=[x,y] the function will return [2,1] as the representation.

With the optional parameter ReprType it is possible to choose between different ways of getting a possible representation.

  • @param Term A term in the current ring.

  • @param TermList A list of terms in the current ring.

  • @return A list of integers, which gives the representation, or NULL.

The following parameter is optional:

  • @param ReprType Either 0,1 or 2. With this parameter it is possible to choose between different ways of getting the representation: By ReprType=0 a toric ideal is used to compute the representation. This is also the default value. By ReprType=1 algebra homomorphisms are used, by ReprType=2 a system of diophantine equations is used to compute the representation.


Use R::=QQ[x,y];


-- output:

[2, 2]
[1, 1, 0]
-- Done.


Use R::=QQ[x,y,z];

SB.TermRepr(xy^4z,L); -- for xy^4z no representation is existing
T:=L[1]^3L[3]^2; -- T = (x^2y^4z^8)^3 * (xy^3)^0 * (z^5)^2

-- output:

[3, 0, 2]
-- Done.