
From ApCoCoAWiki
Revision as of 13:25, 22 December 2008 by (talk) (Added download Links)

The following releases provide the functionality of CoCoA 4.7 together with the additional capabilities of the ApCoCoA library (Version 0.99). They are equipped with a graphical user interface. For the official CoCoA releases, visit the CoCoA home page.


Windows x86

Linux x86

Linux x86-64

MacOSX universal


To build ApCoCoALib from source, please follow the compilation instructions.

Deprecated sources

For details, please check out the ApCoCoA:Changelog.


Only available for MS Windows. For details see ApCoCoA:MatlabToolbox.

  • Version 1.01 - Based on CoCoALib 0.9921 and ApCoCoALib-devel as of 12th Nov. 2008.