From ApCoCoAWiki
(Redirected from ApCoCoA-1:Numerical.EigenValues)
This article is about a function from ApCoCoA-1. |
Computes the eigenvalues of a matrix.
Please note: The function(s) explained on this page is/are using the ApCoCoAServer. You will have to start the ApCoCoAServer in order to use it/them.
This function computes the approximate complex eigenvalues of the matrix A.
@param A A quadratic matrix with rational entries.
@return The return value is a matrix with two rows. Each column of this matrix represents one approximate complex eigenvalue of A, i.e. the first entry of a column is the real part and the second entry of the same column is the imaginary part of one complex eigenvalue.
Use P::=QQ[x,y,z]; A:=Mat([[1,2,7,18],[2,4,9,12],[23,8,9,10],[7,5,3,2]]); Dec(Num.EigenValues(A),3); -- CoCoAServer: computing Cpu Time = 0.015 ------------------------------- Mat([ ["28.970", "-13.677", "0.353", "0.353"], ["0", "0", "3.051", "-3.051"] ]) -------------------------------
See also