Compute the generators of the vanishing ideal of a homogeneous border basis scheme.
Computes the generators of the vanishing ideal of the homogenous border basis scheme corresponding to the lifting of the K-th element of NDneighbors(OO). The inputs are an integer K in the range 1..Len(NDneighbors(OO)) and a list OO of terms that specify an order ideal. The output is a list of polynomials in the ring <formula>BBS=K[c_{ij}]</formula>.
@param K The generators of the vanishing ideal of the border basis scheme corresponding to the lifting of the K-th element of the list returned by NDneighbors(OO) will be computed.
@param OO A list of terms representing an order ideal.
@return A list of generators of the vanishing ideal of the border basis scheme corresponding to the lifting of the K-th element of the list returned by NDneighbors(OO).