From ApCoCoAWiki
function calls by reference, other complex referencing
In the first and second form Var is used as a formal parameter to a
user-defined function. It is used to pass a variable---not its
value---to the user-defined function. The following example should make the difference clear.
Define CallByRef(Var L ) -- <quotes>call by reference</quotes>: The variable referred L := <quotes>new value</quotes>; -- to by L is changed. EndDefine; M := <quotes>old value</quotes>; CallByRef(M); M; new value ------------------------------- Define CallByVal(L) -- <quotes>call by value</quotes>: The value of L is passed to L := <quotes>new value</quotes>; -- the function. Return L; EndDefine; L := <quotes>old value</quotes>; CallByVal(L); new value ------------------------------- L; old value. -------------------------------
In the third form, Var(S), references the value of the variable or ring whose identifier is S:
Var(<quotes>a string</quotes>) := 6; Var(<quotes>a string</quotes>); 6 ------------------------------- P := Record[Name = <quotes>test</quotes>, Value = 1]; X := <quotes>Name</quotes>; P.Var(X); test ------------------------------- Var(<quotes>myring</quotes>) ::= Q[a,b]; Var(<quotes>myring</quotes>); Q[a,b] ------------------------------- Using Var(<quotes>myring</quotes>) Do (a+b)^2 EndUsing; a^2 + 2ab + b^2 -------------------------------
Var X Var(X) Var(S:STRING) where X is the identifier of a CoCoA variable.
<type>function</type> <type>string</type>