From ApCoCoAWiki
Lectures of the Robbiano/Kreuzer track
Tutorials of the Robbiano/Kreuzer track
the tutorials
File:KR tutorial 1.pdf File:KR tutorial 2.pdf File:KR tutorial 3.pdf File:KR tutorial 4.pdf File:KR tutorial 5.pdf File:KR tutorial 5.pdf
input files
File:Input 1.coc File:Input 3.coc File:Input 5.coc
CoCoA 4.7.2 + ApCoCoAServer binaries
- Windows x86 (4.8MB)
- Linux x86 (5.0MB) (extract to /usr/local - otherwise you need to edit the cocoa and xcocoa scripts to point to the right directory)
- OSX universal (8.6MB)