CoCoA:Example c7

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Revision as of 21:29, 21 April 2006 by Mabshoff (talk | contribs) (add results for c7)
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homogenized cyclic 7


Computed in 0.95 seconds on hilbert with 0.95CVS-2006-03-15.


Computed in 5.64 seconds on hilbert with 0.95CVS-2006-03-15.


Computed in 56.78 seconds on hilbert with 0.95CVS-2006-03-15.


Computed in 5785 seconds on hilbert with 0.95CVS-2006-04-14. Statistics:

Poly in Basis  728
Pairs Reduced        3370 = (3363+7 Gens) of which 728 useful and 2642 useless
Pairs Inserted        264628 + 7 generators of which 3370 survived
  of which GMKilled     259803
  of which CopKilled    1453
  of which BKilled      9
GM considered pairs   1212702
Back considered pairs 161163

Older benchmarks:

  • 0.95CVS-2006-04-10: 5765 seconds on hilbert.