From ApCoCoAWiki
ApCoCoA Team Members
- Martin Kreuzer (Team leader, Border basis)
- Bernhard Andraschko (Wiki, Migration of Packages to CoCoA-5
- Julian Danner
- Florian Walsh (ApCoCoA-2.0 Interface, Wiki)
For contact details have a look at the website of the chair for symbolic computation at the University of Passau.
Former members
- Klaus Nguetsa (ApCoCoA-2.0 Interface)
- Thomas Stadler (SAGBI-Bases)
- Markus Kriegl
- Philipp Jovanovic
- Stefan Schuster
- Bilge Sipal
- Ehsan Ullah
- Xingqiang Xiu
- Jan Limbeck
- Matthias Machnik (Matlab Interface)
- Stefan Kaspar
- Rashid Ali
- Jan Brandt
- Michael Abshoff (make system, BLAS / Lapack bindings, GUI)
- Daniel Heldt (ABM, Weyl Algebras, RingFloat, PPMonoidModSquares, RingF2, ..., RingF4096)
- Karsten Hiddemann (non commutative Polynomials)
- Stefan Kühling
- Tobias Eichinger (CMake)
Close collaborators
The CoCoA Team (
- Shell International Exploration & Production (Rijswijk/NL)
- The GMP team
- The LinBox team
- The Atlas and BLAS/LAPACK teams
- The GLPK team
- The LattE and LattE macchiato teams