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Revision as of 21:45, 19 July 2005

The Menu File:

  1. New: Creates a new CoCoA Document.
  2. Open: Opens an existing CoCoA document.
  3. Close: Closes an open CoCoA document. If there are unsaved changes, the user will be prompted to save the document.
  4. Save: Saves an open CoCoA document. If the document has been created from scratch and is thus untitled, the user will be prompted for a filename. If the docment is not untitled (and has thus been saved at least once before or has been loaded from a file) the old filename will be used.
  5. Save As: Saves an open CoCoA document. Here the user will be prompted for a filename independent of whether the document has been created from scratch or not.
  6. Print: Prints the contents of the output window.
  7. Quit: Terminates the engine and quits CoCoA. The user will be prompted to save any CoCoA documents containing unsaved changes.

The Menu Edit:

  1. Undo: Undo the last text operation.
  2. Redo: Redo the last text operation that has been undone.
  3. Cut: Cut selected text.
  4. Copy: Copy selected text.
  5. Paste: Paste text from the clipboard.
  6. Select All: Select the complete text of the current CoCoA Document. If the focus is in the output window, the text of the output window is selected.

The Menu CoCoA:

  1. Previous interactive Page: If you are in the Interactive Document, the contents of the previous interactive page (if one is available) are loaded into the editor.
  2. Next interactive Page: If you are in the Interactive Document, the contents of the next interactive page (if one is available) are loaded into the editor.
  3. Execute current command set: Execute the current command set. If text is marked, only the selected commands will be executed. Otherwise, all commands in the current CoCoA document will be executed.
  4. Interrupt current computation: Interrupt the current computation.
  5. Clear output window: Clear the output window.

The Menu Settings:

  1. Output on Top: Puts the output window above the input window.
  2. Output on Bottom: Puts the output window below the input window.
  3. No Wordwrap: Sets the word wrapping mode to "None". This means, that text will be wrapped at the maximum pixel width for a text widget.
  4. Fixed Wordwrap: Sets the word wrapping mode to "Fixed". This means, that text will be wrapped at character column #100.
  5. Normal Wordwrap: Sets the word wrapping mode to "Normal". This means, that text will be wrapped at the window border.
  6. Autocompleting: Activates/Deactivates autocompletion mode. The current status is shown in the status bar (AC).
  7. Select Font: Select the font for both input and output window.
  8. Word completions: Configures the word completions mode.

The Menu Help:

  1. Contents: Opens the help window.
  2. What's this: Shows context help for GUI elements.
  3. About KCoCoA/WinCoCoA/XCoCoA: Shows the about box.


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