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Revision as of 11:29, 3 October 2020 by Andraschko (talk | contribs) (Andraschko moved page BBSGen.TraceSyzLinStep to ApCoCoA-1:BBSGen.TraceSyzLinStep without leaving a redirect: moving into ApCoCoA namespace)
This function computes the K[c]-linear summand of the trace polynomial T_{Pi,X} with respect to a given term Pi and a variable from ring K[x_1,...,x_N].(see BBSGen.TraceSyzFull)
Note the following: The chosen variable must be a divisor of the term Pi. Pi must be a product of at least two different indeterminates otherwise the result is 0.
@param The term Pi, the distinguished variable of choice that divides Pi, order ideal OO, border BO, the number of Indeterminates of the polynomial ring K[x_1,...,x_N].
@return K[c]-linear summand of the trace polynomial with respect to Pi and the variable X.
Use R::=QQ[x[1..2]]; OO:=$apcocoa/borderbasis.Box([1,1]); BO:=$apcocoa/borderbasis.Border(OO); Mu:=Len(OO); Nu:=Len(BO); N:=Len(Indets()); Pi:=x[1]^2x[2];----Term X:=x[1]; ------------Choice of the Variable Use XX::=QQ[c[1..Mu,1..Nu],t[1..N,1..N,1..Mu,1..Mu]]; BBSGen.TraceSyzLinStep(Pi,X,OO,BO,N); t[1,2,1,3] + t[1,2,2,4] -------------------------------